quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2005

Heavenly Daddy speaking...

Haven't I said it, will I not accomplish it?
Haven't I promised it, will I not fulfill it?
Haven't I been faithfull over and over again?
I am faithful, I will finish my work.
And even now I am working, I am at work!
I will make you more like me, I will do all I want in you.

Remember when you prayed sincerely that you wanted me not to give up on you?
So, I heard your prayer, and I won't give up on you.
I will close your ways, I will deal with you until in you there will be only me.
It will heart, but you asked for it, haven't you!?
I will deal with your pride, I will break it, until I can shine through you,
I will not give up.

I've called you to love uncondicionally,
As I have loved you, you can love others.
I haven't called you so people will love you,
But for you to love them independently from their thoughts or feelings for you.
That kind of love will bring them to me.
Love intensily, deeply, wholly,
Not with second intentions,
With no strings attached.
Just LOVE!!

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

muito bonito o que você escreveu :D gostei mesmo... principalmente o último parágrafo...
"As I have loved you, you can love others"
love ya ;)

Anônimo disse...

muito bonito o que você escreveu :D gostei mesmo... principalmente o último parágrafo...
"As I have loved you, you can love others"
love ya ;)